It Feels Good


It feels good (to know you love me for me)


E-J oh E-J has done it again.

I’ve been thinking a lot about motivation. Like, why change what I’m doing?

And I don’t think just thinking of all the negatives is great motivation. Lose weight because you can’t hike a mountain. Don’t eat pancakes because sugar comas feel like shit.

There has to be some sort of immediate reward for doing it different. Pavlov and his dog, ya’ know.

So I talked to my therapist about it and she says it should feel good to make better, healthier choices. Like, only eating half the pancakes and still being able to create coherent sentences should feel good.

And I had no idea what she was talking about.

Choices? Feel good?

I only know how to badger myself.

Which I thought was a joke until the next day when I went to a spin class.

See, after my therapy session, I decided to go old school/elementary school and create myself a sticker chart. Yeah, like we give to THAT kid to encourage good behavior. My sticker chart is to encourage me to notice when it feels good to make good choices. Drink some extra water, get a sticker. Eat healthy, get a sticker.

Yeah, it’s really simplistic, but apparently it’s what I need. Because apparently, I am incapable of finding the good in some situations.

Which brings us back to spin class.

This was my second time going. The first class is a whole other story full of embarrassment. There’s enough embarrassment in this story for now.

My friend invited me to try a cycle 101 class. I guess you don’t even call it spin anymore. Whatever.

It was supposed to teach you some basics–go at a bit slower pace.

About halfway through, I am realizing I suck at rhythm and that I am about to puke.

And you’re all clipped into the bike and being that it’s only my second class, I can’t freaking get out of my clips to go hurl in private. So TWO, that’s right, TWO different people who work there are trying to help me get unclipped.

I finally escape to the bathroom and try to cool down. I’m splashing water on my face, walking it off. And some dude who works there is outside the ladies restroom hollering at me, “Are you alright?” A couple of minutes later: “Do you need a cold towel for your neck?” And a couple of minutes after that: “Are you sure you don’t need a towel?” I’ve been telling him I’m fine. But this finally got an annoyed, “Really, I’m ok,” out of me.

Can’t a girl just puke in peace?

Well no puking occurred, but my friend did come in and check on me. I felt so bad she’d left her workout.

But we both go back in and finish it out.

Yay me.


Wrong. I go home and stare at my sticker chart, telling myself all the good. I worked out, I tried something new, I got back on and finished instead of just quitting.

But I can’t seem to put that sticker on my chart.

Because all I really hear is, “Yeah, but you really fucked that one up. How embarrassing that you had to walk out.”

And that folks, is the whole fucking problem.

Maybe it sounds small, but multiply that response by EVERYTHING I do in my life.

I am a child, with a sticker chart, learning how to feel good about myself.

Even when it isn’t perfect. ESPECIALLY when it isn’t perfect. Cuz when is it ever perfect.

My husband looked at my chart and said “That’s not something someone who is ok needs. You’re starting from square one.”

And I said, “I think I’m weaving the mat I can stand on at square one.”

It may be dramatic, but I have this sense that I have never actually had a strong foundation. Ya know, what do they call it? Oh yeah, self esteem.

I never had a strong one of those.

So when the shit hit the fan and I was a new “sucky” mother with a dying mother-in-law, who kept not being able to show up to her job, and then got a new job that was impossible to be good at…

I just crashed right through. Because there was no foundation there to catch me.

So I am a child, with a sticker chart, building a foundation.

One good feeling at a time.

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Go Big Purple!


It looks like a Purple
People Eater to me

Before I start, I just want to say THANKS to everyone who sent kind words yesterday. I didn’t write the post to get people to blow sunshine up my ass, but you did create a warm glow inside. So thank you.

By request, I’m finally writing about cooking again. A little birdie told me she’d like to read about eggplant in between all the horrible news stories of the world.

So. Yeah.

I cooked with eggplant for like, the second time in my life.

The last time was probably when I was in high school and I must not have been impressed because it’s taken me 20 years to try it again.

But I started considering it when I was researching lowering one’s cholesterol and saw it listed in my Encyclopedia of Healing Foods along with beets, etc. as foods that could help.

healing foods

And I’m really not ready to take on beets.

So eggplant it was. Even though, apparently, the recommendation is based on a study where rabbits lowered their cholesterol with eggplant juice. I’m cute and furry like a rabbit, right? It could work on me too.

According to this nutritional website 1 cup of eggplant has 2.5 grams of dietary fiber (10% DV). It’s also got some other vitamins, like 4% of your B6 and 3% of your Folate. But it’s also got 10% of your sodium!!!

Who’d have thunk?

So in the name of fiber and lower cholesterol, I went with another recipe out of my favorite cookbook, Thug Kitchen.

thug kitchen

Have you purchased one yet? You need to.

I made Grilled Eggplant with Soba Noodles.

The soba noodles were also an area of apprehension. They are noodles made of buckwheat. Again, the last time I experienced buckwheat in anything was 20 years ago when my mother ordered buckwheat pancakes at a restaurant and they tasted like they’d been cooked in the smokestack of a train.

So… not tasty.

Here’s how the cooking went down this time.

Eggplant- didn’t last long enough on my kitchen counter so I had to buy another one. Future self, just buy it the day you are going to cook it and don’t end up with a mushy wrinkly purple blob on your hands.

It got marinated and then grilled. And I had super fun brushing more marinade on it while it cooked.


Soba noodles- totally looks like worms. And then you put sesame oil on it and then it looks like slimy worms. BUT. Totally tasty. No train smokestacks here.

soba noodles

For as brown and icky as they look, they are surprisingly lacking in fiber according to my online nutritional data site. They do rock the protein category though (6 grams for 1 cup).

So you mix your leftover marinade and eggplant and wormy noodles together along with a bunch of fresh basil. And you get some really oily, really tasty noodles. Once again, fresh herbs totally make the dish. You eat it at room temp or cold so it’s actually pretty refreshing on these hot summer days.

eggplant and soba

If I make this again, I’m going to have to lay off some of the oil. I felt like I had to wash my face after slurping up these bad boys.

Try it friends! Marinate and grill up some eggplant. Any other ways you like to cook with eggplant?

It’s still a weird one to me.

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And I am done with my graceless heart
So tonight I’m gonna cut it out and then restart


I just saw my therapist and discovered something completely sad.

I have no confidence.

She asked me to tell her things I was good at.

I came up with three.

One of which is that I’m a squishy comfort to my child which is really just a jab at my weight.

Yes. A jab at myself.

Because that’s how mentally healthy people treat themselves.

As I write this, I’m scared. I don’t even have the confidence to recognize and declare this a problem. I’m sure plenty of people out there would have a hard time coming up with things they are good at.

But then it’s a problem for them too.

Because of anything we do, we should know we are good at some things. We should feel good about ourselves.

When I quit my job, I thought getting healthy meant physical health.

I quickly came to realize it also meant mental health–depression, anxiety.

But jeez louise, I didn’t know I needed to rebuild myself from the bottom up. That I am sitting here, a pile of scraps, not even sure how to connect end to end and give that piece a name.

WTF happened to me?

And I guess my therapist would say, “Does it matter what happened? Or does it matter where you want to go from here?”

I have had blazing moments of confidence in my life. Moments that won me awards or got me the hot guy in the bar. Moments I loved me and what I could do and could create.

And I’m worried that I just don’t DO anything now that is worth being proud of or feeling good about.

I am really good at loading the dishwasher.

Surely that is NOT what my therapist is looking for.

And then if feels all chicken-and-eggy.

I need confidence to get out there and try new things. But it seems I also need to be doing things that I can feel proud about to build my confidence.

I think my head is going to explode.

Perhaps it would just be easier to just lie here and watch The Mindy Project. Surely she has the answers.

Because I’ve got to find 10-15 things I’m good at by therapy next week.


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